Find content here from our brand partners - they are experts in their fields and are happy to help!

We've teamed up with some pretty awesome people to help you uplevel your business -- sales coaches, social selling gurus, & organizational wizards!

Check out their bios here and click on their names to see what goodies they have for you to check out!


Monetize Your Social Media Outreach

I built the "Profitable Pipelines™ Program to help people monetize their genius by creating powerful communities, compelling offer (courses, coaching programs) and strategic conversations that convert.

Over the past few years, we have...

  • Helped clients implement follow up systems for converting connections into paying clients.

  • Provided proven strategies to Increase client retention by incorporating the "Sales through Service Method"

  • Created and monetized communities (without feeling salesy) using our "Social Selling System"

  • Helped new and seasoned entrepreneurs create consulting & coaching offers and courses that scale.


Authentically Get More Network Marketing Sales

Our training philosophy is that our customer comes first, our team comes second, and our ego comes third. When we make the sales process enjoyable for our customer, our team thrives as a result (and then our ego feels pretty good, too!).

We have worked with over 9,000 Network Marketers to help them build their business. We collaborate consistently with 6- and 7-figure earners to put together the best practices and a system that works together so that you can do what you do best – share your amazing products with the world!


Organize Your Business & Hire Highly Trained People

Heather prides herself on offering SOP CO-Creation Sessions with either 1:1 support or Group Support. Her team specializes in mapping out your business process and finding the gaps along the way.

Once your processes are fully mapped out, she has highly trained Business Account Managers who can step in and virtually assist you in executing all those tasks that you, as CEO, do not need to spend your time doing.


Make Over Your Mindset & Uplevel Your Sales Skills

In 2011, Caitlin started her sales recruitment & management business terrified of sales. Despite her MBA, she had failed in numerous entrepreneurial endeavors previously and discovered the problem: she didn’t know how to sell.

Since then, her company and the sales teams they’ve built have generated tens of millions of dollars for coaching industry leaders.
She’s now passionate about sales, calling it “an act of love and service,” and the fastest path to financial freedom.


Re-Engage & Grow a Dying Facebook Group

Deasha has helped businesses scale to multiple 6 and 7 figures since launching Social Treats in 2016. Using organic social media strategies, she has perfected a system that she now teaches through her coaching programs.

She has worked with clients to build webinar funnels, membership funnels and even sell high ticket offers with absolutely no “funnels” all utilising organic strategies in particular Facebook Groups. She drives leads for high ticket items in industries spanning from wellness to coaching and lots in between.

Nerdly Marketing Agency | © 2023

Nerdly Marketing Agency | © 2023