doTERRA Content


Core Content


Why do I want this?

If you are a doTERRA wellness advocate, this content will be the core of your business, providing you with a full year of automated follow-up and a 30-day MetaPWR coaching program/challenge.

What do I get?

🤓 12 months of new customer follow-up automations

🤓 Checkpoints scheduled at the 1-, 2-, 3-, 6-, 9-, and 12-month marks

🤓 30-day MetaPWR Challenge

🤓 Website template

🤓 Linktree-style funnel

🤓 Mini course in your Tech Training Vault to teach you how to set it all up properly

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This content includes the Email Marketing Foundations & Book a Call Funnel content found in the Funnels & Automations page of the Marketplace! You do not need to request those separately.

Mini Series (Omnichannel)


Why do I want this?

A series of 9 message campaigns to use as lead magnets or targeted education on popular health topics. Send these messages through your clients' preferred messaging channel: SMS, FB, or IG (this comes with all three options)

What do I get?

Topics included:

🤓 Intro to Oils

🤓 Sleep

🤓 Breathing

🤓 Diffusing

🤓 Energy

🤓 Immunity

🤓 Kids

🤓 Discomfort

🤓 Stress

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Essential Education


Why do I want this?

Are you a medical professional? We sure aren't, but we still want to provide expert knowledge in the use of essential oils!

Use this 9-video webinar series to educate your customers about their essential oils. These videos were recorded by Jessica Travis and Dr. Janet Roark, true experts in their fields.

What do I get?

9 pre-recorded webinars in a membership course you can share with your customers

A single webinar (Got My Oils, Now What?) in a separate membership course you can use as a lead magnet

Topics Included:

🤓 I have oils, now what?

🤓 Nutrition & supplements

🤓 Toxin-free living

🤓 Oils for every age

🤓 Essential skin care

🤓 Stress, sleep, & emotions

🤓 Relief from discomfort

🤓 Women's health & hormones

🤓 Essential oils & pets

Mini course in your Tech Training Vault to teach you how to set it all up properly

Take a peek inside...

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EO Studies


Why do I want this?

Are you tired of all the manual actions required by an EO Study? The intense amount of time that goes into a study week? Grab this snapshot loaded with everything you need to fully automate your future studies to make them a breeze!

What do I get?

🤓 Several forms (pre- and post-study forms)

🤓 A funnel

🤓 A membership course to host your daily content

🤓 Several message templates

🤓 A pipeline to track your participants

🤓 A folder of workflows

🤓 Two calendars - one for registration and one for follow-up meetings

🤓 Several custom values

🤓 Mini course in your Tech Training Vault to teach you how to set it all up properly

Take a peek inside...

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BOGO June 2024


Why do I want this?

Are you tired of all the manual actions required with BOGO's? The intense amount of time that goes into creating reminders and information about all the products? Grab this snapshot loaded with everything you need to fully automate BOGO week to make it a breeze!

What do I get?

🤓 Email Announcement

🤓 A funnels

🤓 OMNI Channel Workflow

🤓Daily Education Messages on Each Product

2023 Convention


Why do I want this?

Are you emailing your audience at least once a week? You should be! Grab our bundle here, which comes with 4 weekly newsletters (one per week of the month) to increase your email reach out and connect with your audience!

What do I get?

🤓 4 newsletters, one per week of the month🤓 A few custom values to make it a breeze to personalize your newsletter🤓 Bonus newsletters for flash sales, bogos, etc.🤓 Weekly coaching meeting to help you implement and get your questions answered! (Thurs @ 12pm EST)

Take a peek inside...

Watch here to see what the newsletters look like and how we'll help you get them set up in your own account!

Spanish Content | Contenido en Español

MetaPWR en Español


¿Por qué quiero esto?

SPANISH | En Español

¿Quieres que tus prospectos y clientes de habla hispana se unan a MetaPWR? Obtengas el Desafío MetaPWR de 30 días con embudos, flujos de trabajo y formularios, ¡y deje que el CRM haga el trabajo por ti!

Wanting to get your Spanish speaking prospects and clients onboard with MetaPWR? Get the 30-day challenge with funnel, worflows, and forms and let the CRM do the work for you!

¿Qué obtengo?

🤓 embudos

🤓 flujos de trabajo y formularios

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Mini Serie en Español


¿Por qué quiero esto?

Una serie de 9 campañas de mensajes para usar como imanes de plomo o educación dirigida sobre temas populares de salud. Envíe estos mensajes a través del canal de mensajería preferido de sus clientes: SMS, FB o IG (esto viene con las tres opciones)

¿Qué obtengo?

Termas incluidos:

🤓 Intro a los aceites

🤓 Dormir

🤓 Clara respiración

🤓 Difusor

🤓 Energía

🤓 Inmunidad

🤓 Niños y los tceites

🤓 Malestar

🤓 Estres

Echar un vistazo dentro

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Nerdly Marketing Agency | © 2023

Nerdly Marketing Agency | © 2023